Volunteer Application Form
We appreciate your interest in serving the Lord through our AELT program. To further facilitate our processing of your application, please complete this form. Thank you.
Fields marked with * are required!
PART I. Personal Information
First Name:   * required
(as it appears on passport or application)
Middle Name:   
(as it appears on passport or application)
Last Name:   * required
(as it appears on passport or application)
Gender:     * required
(as it appears on passport or application)
Marital Status:   
Date of Birth:     * required
(as it appears on passport or application)
Address:   * required

City:    * required

State:   * required

Zip/postal code:  * required

Country:  (if not the U.S.) 
Phone Number:   * required
Email Address:   * required
Do you have a current passport:     * required
Passport Number:   * required
Nationality:   * required
Country of Issue:   * required
Issue Date:    * required
Passport Expiration Date:    * required
A passport with several blank pages and valid for at least
six months after return is required

PART II. Educational Information
Educational Background:     * required
College Degree(s) and Major(s):     * required
Teaching Experience:      * required
(Including Sunday school, Bible study, public school, etc.)
Years and Type of Teaching Experience:     * required
Do you have ESL/EFL Teaching Experience?    * required
PART III. Faith Information
Name of your home church:   * required
Church Address:   * required

City:    * required

State:   * required

Zip/postal code:  * required

Country:  (if not the U.S.)
Name of Reference:   * required
Position of Reference:   * required
Email address of Reference:   * required
Personal statement of your faith experience:     * required
Include such information as how long you have been a Christian, your commitment to Jesus Christ, how you feel about Christians in the military, leadership roles you have had as a Christian, etc.
PART IV. Emergency Information
Emergency contact name:     * required
Relationship:     * required
Home phone:     * required
Work phone:     * required
Cell:     * required
Address:   * required

City:    * required

State:   * required

Zip/postal code:

Country:  (if not the U.S.)
Participant Blood type: 

 * required

Date of last tetanus shot:     * required

Allergies:     * required

Current medication and dosage:     * required

Check if applicable:   
PART V. Preferences
Country of preference:      * required
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