International Military Ethics Symposium

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Trondheim, Norway

24-26 November 1999: Symposium
27-28 November 1999: Programme for the International Delegates

[Paper Titles, Abstracts & Texts] [Program] [Administration]
BGen Løvbukten (Leadership: Jesus, my Model)] [Pictures]


An International Military Ethics Symposium, took place 24-26 November 1999 followed by a programme for the international delegates 27-28 November 1999. The symposium took place at the Royal Norwegian Air Force Academy, Trondheim, Norway.

The symposium was a part of the official celebration of RNoAFA's 50th Anniversary, and was directed by RNoAFA assisted by the Association for Christian Conferences, Teaching and Service (ACCTS). The programme for international delegates 27-28 November was directed by the Military Christian Fellowship of Norway (KBS of Norway) with technical assistance by RNoAFA.


The western democracies are rooted in the historical and cultural basic values as they emerge in the Christian and humanistic tradition. The objectives of the symposium were to address the teaching of military cadets and young officers in the military academies and universities in the framework of this cultural and historical tradition:

Practical Information

All symposium presentations were given in English. The symposium, including accommodation and food was free of charge. MCF of Norway charged a nominal fee for participation in the programme for International delegates. Delegates from Eastern and Central European countries were able to apply for scholarships to cover travel costs etc.

Royal Norwegian Air Force Academy
Trondheim Mil

For additional information:
RNoAFA, Attn: Staff Chaplains Nils T. Lunde, e-mail:; Capt Inge Wold, AMCF Europe: Fax: +47 285 027, e-mail:; ACCTS: Col. Earl Casner (USA ret)

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