1. Royal Norwegian Political Adviser
    Trine Radmann
    "Opening Address to the International Military Ethics Symposium
    " TEXT] This paper was published in the Norwegian Military Ethics Journal "PACEM", Vol 3, Nr 2, 2000

  2. MGen Clay Buckingham USA ret USA Past-President of Association of Military Christian Fellowships
    "The Foundations of Military Ethics"

  3. Gen Lee, Pil Sup ROKA ret Korea Past-Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff
    "Professional Excellence: The South Korean Case"

  4. Capt William B. Garrett, USA ret (PhD) Vice Academic Dean of the US Naval Academy
    "Character Development and the Professional Military Ethic at the US Naval Academy "

  5. MGen Ian Durie ret UK Past-Director Royal Artillery, Past-Commander British Artillery in the Gulf War
    "Just War in an Unjust World?" [ABSTRACT] [TEXT] This paper was published in the Norwegian Military Ethics Journal "PACEM", Vol 3, Nr 2, 2000

  6. Col Don Snider USA ret USA Faculty, US Military Academy, West Point Past-Member US National Security Council with Major John Nagl and Major Tony Pfaff
    "Army Professionalism, The Military Ethic, and Officership in the 21st Century" [ABSTRACT] [TEXT] This paper was published in the Norwegian Military Ethics Journal "PACEM", Vol 3, Nr 2, 2000

  7. Gen. Fredrik Bull-Hansen, former CHOD Norway
    "Ethical Challenges for the Military Profession" [ABSTRACT] [TEXT] This paper was published in the Norwegian Military Ethics Journal "PACEM", Vol 3, Nr 2, 2000

  8. MGen Arne Willy Dahl Norway Judge Advocate General of The Norwegian Defence
    Un-named paper on the International Law Imperative on the PME [ABSTRACT] [TEXT] This paper was published in the Norwegian Military Ethics Journal "PACEM", Vol 3, Nr 2, 2000


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