As of November 8, 1999

24 November

1400-1700      Registration
1500-1700      Dinner (sandwiches available for late evening arrivals) 
2000-2100      Reception hosted by Colonel Tom H. Knutsen Commandant RNoAF Academy

25 November

0700-0800      Breakfast
0845-0930      Opening session:
                               - Col. Tom Knutsen,Commandant RNoAF Academy
                               - Maj. Gen Per-Oscar Jacobsen, CoS RNoAF
                               - Trine Radmann, Political Advicer DoD
                               - Administrative brief
0930-1015:     Teaching the Fundamentals of the Military Ethic: 
                               - Maj Gen (USA ret) Clay Buckingham
1015-1030      The Teaching of Historical Distinctives of the Military Ethic: 
			       - Chaplain Leif Tore Michelson 
1030-1045      Coffee break
1045-1055      Introduction to following plenary session by Chair of session: 
			       - LCdr (USN ret) Cal Dunlap
1055-1140      Professional exellence: Gen (Korea ret) Lee
1145-1230      Luncheon
1230-1330      Character development and the professional Military Ethics, the USNA experience:
			       - Capt William B. Garrett USA (ret)

1330-1415      The development of the ethical theories of War: Maj Gen (UK Army ret) Ian Durie
1415-1430      Coffee break
1430-1630      Poster Paper session
1630-1800      Break
1800-2100      Banquet and Award Ceremony

26 November

0700-0800      Breakfast
0830-0840      Introduction to following plenary session by Chair of session 
				- Dr. Don Snider, Col (USA ret)
0840-0925      The Society/cultural Imperatives on the Military Ethic: Dr. Don Snider
0925-0930      Break
0930-1015      Ethical Challenges for the Military Profession: 
                                - Gen. Frederik Bull-Hansen, former CHOD, Norway
1015-1030      Coffee Break
1030-1115      The International Law Imperatives on the Military Ethic: 
                                - Maj Gen/Judge Advocate General of The Norwegian Armed Forces
				  Arne Willy Dahl
1115-1215      Luncheon
1215-1315      Panel discussion
1330-1530      Poster Paper session
1530-1600      Closing speech by Colonel Jan Kvalheim, Chaplain in Chief, Norway
1600-1700      Dinner
1800-1900      Formal Service. Strindheim Church. 
				- Gen. Maj.Chaplain General U.K. Dr. Victor Dobbin
				- Maj. Nils Lunde, Staff Chaplain RNoAFA. 
Additionally there will be devotions on voluntary basis 25-26 November, 0800-0820.

Programme for International delegates

27 November

0900      Breakfast
0930      Transport from RNoAFA 
0945      Trondheim Military Museum   
1050 	  Transport from Museum
1120 	  Ferry to Oerland
1300 	  Arrival Oerland Main Air Station
1315 	  Speech by Brigadier Arnvid Lövbukten: "Jesus as an Example in Leadership"
1400 	  Coffee Break
1415 	  Discussion
1500 	  Break
1515 	  Presentation by Knut A. Seierstad and Steinar Höyland
1600 	  Dinner
1730 	  Transport 
1900 	  Ferry to Trondheim
2030 	  Social gathering. Presentation by Cal Dunlap

28 November

0900      Breakfast
1030 	  Transport
1100 	  Church service
1200 	  Coffee in church
1300 	  Transport to RNoAFA

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