Solid Values for a Wobbly Word

by - Col Arthur E. Dewey, USA (Ret.)

This paper suggests that there was a missing moral compass in the period following the end of the Cold War. Recent secular challenges to morality are analyzed in terms of changes in concepts of balance of power, deterrence, and national sovereignty. The emergence of warlords, crime lords, and egomaniacal faction leaders has led to even greater evil regimes and humanitarian needs that do not rise to the level of threatening the vital national security, political, or economic interests of other nations. In an era of "no enemies", victimization of innocents appears allowed. Neutrality of an international intervention force can become an absolute abomination!

The author discusses the roles of the military, humanitarian, and human rights organizations in a new cooperative "Total Force" approach to fighting these new enemies. Failures in political leadership are described in light of delays or inaction until the humanitarian and human right's situations have reached apocalyptic proportions.

Given the above present conditions, how does the Christian military officer live? The author applies the biblical injunction to "speak the truth in love". The solid Christian concepts of accountability, sacrifice, and discernment are applied to current problem areas of the world (such as Bosnia, Balkans, Liberia, Croatia, Kosovo, Chechnya, etc.).

The author also proposes a humanitarian or ethical impact statement for key political decisions taken. He suggests that Christian value systems give solid values to apply to a wobbly world.

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