Military Ethics - The Ethics of a Christ-loving Soldier

by - Ret Lt Col Andrew Semikov, Belorussia

  1. Introduction.
    The notion of ethics
  2. Main part
    1. Military ethics as a phlosophy doctrine on morality from the view of Christianity.
      1. Basic doctrines of the Russian philosophers in the end of 19th century - beginning of the 20th century about Christian morality of a soldier.
      2. Ethics of a Christ-loving soldier
    2. Ethics as an integrity of the code of conduct of a serviceman
      1. Basic historic stages of miliatry ethics development in the Russian Army (10th century - 1917)
      2. Military ethics standards in the Soviet army
      3. Formation of the new ethics standards on the Christianity stand, and of basic human and world values in the Armed Forces of Belorussia
  3. Conclusion
    Future development of the ethics norm of the servicemen in the Armed Forces of Belorussia

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