American English Language Training Program

  • Overview
  • Documentation
ACCTS assists other nations in developing/sustaining a military Christian fellowship through the contacts and goodwill that come from the American English Language Training (AELT) programs. The ability to communicate in English is a skill that is desired both by the military and the civilian communities. Many of the campers/students have a good understanding of vocabulary and grammar, but lack a facility with the language that only comes with practice and interaction with Americans. The conversational English program not only addresses this need but also aids the students in expanding their vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation skills.

We are pleased to be able to use an excellent program developed by ACCTS staff member Dr. Lois Webster. Her formal education is in English with a subspecialty of ESL. Her educational background coupled with her experience has allowed her to put together an exceptional program for teaching/training conversational English. The methodology presented in the training classes and in the manual is applicable to all skill levels. It does not depend on an interpreter or the use of the native language. Click here for further information.

Along with the conversational English program, we also encourage students through Bible studies. This part of the program is optional, but nearly everyone joins in and it is very effective even where we do not have a formal program. As instructors and students get to know each other questions naturally come up about faith and beliefs. It is at these times that students are most receptive to your biblical perspective. The students develop their listening comprehension during these periods of interactive study of the Bible.

Qualifications - ACCTS endorses the model of servant leadership demonstrated by Christ in His walk on earth: "He came not to be served but to serve." Serving can be difficult, especially in a foreign culture. However, it is an attitude of the heart expressed in our lives and our interactions with the people we serve. These are some guidelines that we look for in our facilitators:

  • Personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ
  • Ability to speak American English as a native
  • Teaching experience either by formal training or practical experience
  • Dedication to the mission of ACCTS/AELT
  • Willing to learn, with an ability to focus and organize their work
  • Team players who are flexible and take initiative once they understand their duties
  • Generous with time and treasure
  • Willing to prepare ahead of time
  • Good health and physically capable for the task
  • A genuine liking for people and a strong desire to serve others for Christ
  • A cheerful and positive attitude
  • Passport at least eight months beyond the return date AND several blank pages; Click here for further information on US passport.

Join an AELT Event
To learn more about ACCTS’ AELT opportunities, call the ACCTS office at (303) 985-8808, or click here for email contact.

Lt Col (USAF, Ret.) Paul and Barbara Neu - American English Language Training Coordinator
NeusPaul directs and organizes ACCTS' American English Language Training programs, which are held in conjunction with military Christian fellowships who host them as a way to both teach English and share Christ.
Click here to get in touch with Paul.
Maj (USAF, Ret.) Russ and Bonnie Hammerud - Special Projects
HammerudsRuss participates in ACCTS projects worldwide such as American English Language Training and Bible teaching, while Bonnie focuses on hospitality.
Click here to get in touch with the Hammeruds
Mike and Joyce Knefley - American English Language Training
KnefleysMichael, a Vietnam veteran, and Joyce, are involved in American English Language Training training.
Click here to get in touch with the Knefleys.
Phil (Colonel, USA, Ret.) and Rosa Lewis - American English Language Training
PlaceholderPhil (Colonel, USA Ret.) and Rosa Lewis are long-time board members who became associate staff in 2014. As a child, Phil lived in Argentina with his missionary parents. His last posting in the army was as Chief of the Department of Psychiatry at USA MEDDAC in Würzburg, Germany. He currently serves as a part-time staff psychiatrist for Biola University. Rosa, a native of Argentina, has used her Master in Arts, Musicology, to lead chapel music programs. She has also led Bible studies and served as an English-Spanish interpreter. Both have been involved in numerous short-term ACCTS mission trips.
Click here to get in touch with the Lewis's
CHAP, (COL, USA, Ret.) Norris and Dr. Lois Webster - Director of English Studies and Director of Bible Studies
WebstersLois and Norris Webster minister through ACCTS' American English Language Training (AELT) programs, which teach English language skills and knowledge of God to military personnel and their families.
Click here to get in touch with the Websters

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