Ministry Fundamentals

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Inductive Bible Study
ACCTS helps military Christians learn to lead Bible studies to help their co-workers grow closer to Christ. There are many different methods of leading a Bible study, and each MCF must decide which method works best for them based on their group, culture, and objectives. Many MCFs have effectively used the inductive Bible study method, which helps participants study the Bible alone or in small groups. It provides a way to study the Bible even in remote locations, which is especially useful for military personnel who are posted in locations without the support of chaplains, chapels, or church services.
Conversational Prayer
Prayer is a vital part of any Christian’s walk with God. Just as there are multiple ways to study the Bible, there are multiple ways of praying. ACCTS staff are often asked to teach the conversational prayer method, which involves small group members talking to God as though He were there next to them. It involves short prayers and allowing everyone to be involved in public prayer, if they choose.
Personal Quiet Time& Journaling
Pray and Plan
ACCTS utilizes a method of planning called “Pray and Plan”, and we encourage and teach other military Christians to use it as well. A time dedicated to prayer, before planning, allows ministry leaders to focus on what God desires, rather than on the ideas any one person may have.
God Stories

AMCF Handbook

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